Model: WSHOP-406
0 reviews

If your pet does not have patience enough to stay still when drying the fur - or if you just want to save time and trouble, or make sure that the flooring and furniture stay safe from water splashes - wrap a bathrobe around the dog after a swim or walk in the rain. The highly absorbent and soft microfibre bathrobe dries the dog fast and keeps it warm. The high collar can be opened up from the front with press studs, which makes the bathrobe quick and easy to put on. The wide touch-fastening waistband ensures that the bathrobe stays snuggly in place and makes it fit perfectly. On the inside of the collar, there is a cute bone print pattern. The features of the water-washable bathrobe are improved with every use. On hot summer days, the bathrobe can serve as a cooling coat for the dog: rinse the bathrobe in cold water, wring out and then put it on the dog.

Features: Highly absorbent bathrobe made of microfibre. Can be used as a cooling garment on hot summer days. Helps to keep the surfaces and furniture in your home safe from water splashes and mud after a bath or walk. High collar opens up from the front with press studs. Dries the fur and keeps the dog warm after a shower, bath, swim or walk in the rain. Easy touch-fastener closure. Extremely soft and dries fast. Fast to put on and stays well in place.

Materials: 88% POLYESTER, 12% POLYAMIDE

Care instructions: Wash separately.

Price from
Availability: In stock
Model: WSHOP-445
0 reviews

Trixie - PREMIO RABBIT STICKS with extra rabbit meat meat content 90% rich in proteins 100 g

Availability: In stock
Model: WSHOP-464
0 reviews


  • Dog food supplement.
  • A patented fatty acid and antioxidant formula works efficiently on all coat types.
  • Contains high levels of essential fatty acids plus GLA and SDA to support natural protection of the skin .
  • Improves the moisture balance of skin to fight against allergens and other irritants.
  • Supports renewal and health of skin, nails and paws.
  • Rich in natural vitamin E.
  • No fish oil.
  • Bottle size 265 ml and 1000 ml
Price from
Availability: In stock
Model: WSHOP-469
0 reviews

Paw Wax Deluxe Spray is an exciting, unique and different product in many ways. With its natural and active ingredients, such as Castor oil, Aloe Vera juice, beeswax and the indispensable lanolin, a protective membrane forms on the dog's foot pads, which are exposed to many stresses. Partly because of strong heat or cold, but also because the dog easily gets dry footpads, which can often cause painful cracks.

Availability: Low stock
Model: WSHOP-463
0 reviews

B&B´s unikke 3i1 leave in Balsamspray med naturlig solbeskyttelse.

Beskytter hundens hud og pels mod den skadelige sol, og forhindrer at pelsen bliver mat og tør, med lyse spidser til følge.
Derforuden og ikke mindst, fungerer den som en effektiv leave in balsamspray, der er nem at anvende efter hundens bad, ligesom den er uovertruffen som udredningsspray.

De lækre og aktive økologiske ingredienser er: Yucca olie, Shea Butter og Jojoba olie.

Yucca indeholder naturlige ingredienser, der kan hjælpe med at reducere irritation i huden.
De antioxidante egenskaber, medvirker til at beskytte huden mod de skadelige frie radikaler, samtidigt med at de er fugtbevarende for hud og pels. Dette bevirker at hud og pels forbliver hydreret og mindre tilbøjelig til at tørre ud.

Shea butter er kendt for sin fremragende fugtgivende evne, som hjælper med at blødgøre og nære huden.

Det naturlige indhold af vitaminerne A og E, har begge en fremragende evne til at reparere skadet hud.

Shea butter har naturlige solbeskyttende egenskaber, som giver hud og pels beskyttelse mod de skadelige UV-stråler.

Jojoba olie minder meget om hudens naturlige sebum (det naturlige fedtlag i huden), hvilket gør den særdeles hudvenlig.
Dens naturlige reparerende og fugtighedsbevarende egenskaber, trænger hurtigt og dybt ind i hundens hud og pels og er derved medvirkende til at holde begge dele hydrerede i meget lang tid.

Disse ingredienser, kombineret i en balsamspray til hunde, giver en række unikke og positive fordele: beskyttelse mod solen, hydrering, sundhed til hud og pels, lettere udfrisering og støtte til hudens og pelsens generelle sundhed.

Availability: In stock
Model: WSHOP-467
0 reviews

Chicken breast (61 %), apple (35%), tapioca starch, minerals | gluten-free formula | no added sugar | Store in a cool and dry place.

Availability: In stock
Model: WSHOP-431
0 reviews

Frigera Natural Dog Chews Buffalo chips. Delicious healthy premium chewable snacks made from 100% natural and gently air-dried scalp from free-range buffaloes, which are also used for human consumption. These animals are raised without the use of antibiotics, steroids and hormones, so it hardly becomes more natural. Perfect for dogs who have a strong urge to chew. The dog has to work hard to soften the treat, which keeps the dog busy for a longer time, while also strengthening the dog's chewing muscles. A high collagen content helps to maintain healthy skin and fur. A high protein content ensures a good source of protein.   This variant is lower in fat than traditional buffalo scalp, and is therefore also suitable for overweight dogs.   Gluten and grain free. No added dyes or preservatives. 100% pure and tasty buffalo scalp, also called forehead lobes Only one protein source Gluten and grain free No antibiotics, steroids and hormones Used as a supplement to the other feed Long chewing time Made in Europe

Analytical constituents:  Crude protein 91.49% Crude fat 1.05%  Water content 1.87% Feeding instructions: Awarded as a treat, reward or activity in addition to the dog's normal food, as part of a balanced diet.  Always keep an eye on the dog when it is fed. Not for human consumption.

Availability: Low stock
Model: WSHOP-458
0 reviews

Lækre bløde godbidder med kylling til hunde af mærket Frigera. Ideelle til træning og belønning. Indeholder ingen tilsat sukker. 

Fremstillet i Europa. 

Availability: Low stock
Model: WSHOP-439
0 reviews
B&B Probiotic er et bredspektret probiotica, som understøtter den naturlige tarmflora.

B&B Probiotic
Til understøttelse af den naturlige tarmflora.

En velkendt sætning lyder sådan: sundhed starter i maven. Det vil også sige, at hvis hundens mave og tarmsystem ikke er i balance, kan det være grobund for ubalancer i hundens krop og system.
B&B Probiotic er et bredspektret probiotica, som understøtter den naturlige tarmflora. Da B&B Probiotic består af levende, tarmgunstige bakterier, bør produktet ”vækkes fra dvale” inden brug. 
For optimal effekt; opløses i tempereret vand i 5-15 min.
Kan anvendes dagligt eller efter behov.

B&B Probiotic er en del af mælkesyrebakterier, som bidrager til at genoprette den naturlige balance i tarmsystemet. B&B Probiotic indeholder 15 forskellige, nøje udvalgte probiotiske stammer, der henvender sig direkte til en høj optagelse og derved hurtig virkning. Denne unikke sammensætning indeholder både præbiotika (ernæring til mælkesyrebakterierne) og mineraler der øger bakteriernes overlevelse gennem tarmene, som sikrer en langvarig gavnlig virkning.

INGREDIENSER: Majsstivelse, Maltodextrin, Mineralblanding (mangan, magnesium og kalium), Inulin, FOS (fructooligosaccharider), Enzymer (amylase), Vaniljepulver, Udvalgte bakteriestammer: B.infantis, B.longum, B.bifidum, B.lactis, B.longum M/1536, L.acidophilus, L.paracasei, L.plantarum, L.salvarius, Lc.lactis, L.rhamnosus XD/011, L.acodophilus XD/015, B.lactis XD/071, B.lactis XD/191, L.rhamnosus GG/019

1 flad måleske er 2 g.
1 - 5 kg.        1 g.
5 - 10 kg-      2 g.
11 - 25 kg-     2 - 5 g.
26 - 44 kg.     5 - 9 g.
>     44 kg.      >  9 g.
Availability: Low stock
Model: WSHOP-465
0 reviews


  • Dog food supplement.
  • Omega-3 DHA is the key nutrient for development of the brain and eyes.
  • Ensure the best possible start in life for your puppies – give Nutrolin® Puppy & Mom to the expectant dog from the last trimester of pregnancy to weaning.
  • Nutrolin® Puppy & Mom has a superb omega-3 DHA content – min. 130 mg/ml of oil.
  • Rich in natural vitamin E.
  • Supports skin health in adult life.
  • For puppies up to 6-12 months of age.
  • Bottle size 150 ml, 265 ml 
Price from
Availability: Low stock
Model: WSHOP-452
0 reviews

Natural Dog Chews Oksespiserør fra Frigera er en velsmagende snack lavet af delikat tørret naturlig spiserør fra fritgående kvæg.
Disse kvæg er opdrættet uden antibiotika, steorider eller hormoner.
Denne snack er høj i protein, jern, zink, magnesium og vitamin b12. De har en lav fedtprocent.

Kan gives til alle størrelser - også til hundehvalpe.

Availability: Low stock
Model: WSHOP-461
0 reviews

Practical Protect overall to protect the dog from the wind and rain. Taped seams, a covered opening for the leash and a waterproof zip closure complete the protection provided by the overall made of completely waterproof fabric. The fabric stretches to make the overall comfortable to wear and it allows the dog to move freely, even in the most challenging environments. The zipper on the back makes the overall easy to put on. Thanks to the touch-fastening closure on each leg end, the overall is easy to adjust to fit different sized paws and to keep water and dirt out. An adjustable waist and neckline add the final touch for the perfect fit and protection. A high, adjustable collar to cover the dog's neck. The collar can be raised to provide protection for the ears from the wind. The overall has reflective piping and logo

Availability: In stock
Model: WSHOP-395
0 reviews

ALPHA SPIRIT STICKS for dogs are made with natural ingredients. A reward that results in quality of life for your dog. Easy to handle and preserve. 

Availability: In stock
Model: WSHOP-418
0 reviews

100% rabbit ears with fur,

dried wrapped

store cool and dry


100% rabbit ears with fur, dried 

analytical constituents

Fat content 22.0% Moisture content 18% Moisture content 18.0% Protein 57.1%

Availability: In stock
Model: WSHOP-423
0 reviews

Soft treats with gluten-free cheese

Supplementary feed for dogs

Feeding instructions: Give between meals as a treat or reward as part of a balanced diet.

Be sure to keep an eye on your dog at all times while feeding.

Always provide plenty of fresh water.

Store in a dry and cool place.

Composition: Meat and animal by-products glucose, Derivatives of vegetable origin, Oils and fats, Milk and milk derivatives (4.20% cheese powder)

Minerals Analytical constituents: Protein 6.40% Fat content 7.00% Ash 4.40% Crude fibers 0.90% Water content 21.00%

Availability: Low stock
Model: WSHOP-460
0 reviews

Frigera Natural Dog Chews Kaninører er et naturprodukt der er tørret.
Når hunden tygger på disse kaninører renser det tænderne og hjælper med at opretholde stærke og sunde led og ledbånd, da de er rige på mangan.
Håret på kaninørerne hjælper med at rense hundens tarme.
Størrelsen og konsistensen på kaninørerne gør det muligt, at give disse til mindre hunde og hunde der kunne have problemer med at tygge.

Availability: In stock
Model: WSHOP-482
0 reviews

Chuckit - Ånd-let bold, small


  • fantastiske launcher-kompatible Breathe Right Ball tilbyder et unikt design
  • tillader luftstrømning ind i hundens lunger mens den har den i munden
  • Den er også utrolig holdbar og iøjnefaldende

CHUCKIT Breathe right bold - Small til små hunde

  • Farve: Orange
  • Materiale: Gummi
  • Funktion: bold
  • Kan bruges både til hvalpe og ældre hunde
Availability: Low stock
Model: WSHOP-507
0 reviews

Frigera Natural Dog Chews Bøffelører. Lækre sunde premium tyggesnacks af 100% naturlige og skånsomt lufttørrede ører fra fritgående bøfler. Disse dyr er opdrættet uden brug af antibiotika, steroider og hormoner, så det bliver næsten ikke mere naturligt.

Bøffelører er næsten fedt- og lugtfri, samt hårde i konsistensen, og er derfor en godt alternativ til griseører. De har et lavere kolesterolindhold og et højere mineralindhold. De har et et naturligt højt indhold af glucosamin og chondroitin, hvilket er med til at styrke leddene, og så er de en god kilde til omega 3 fedtsyrer og mineraler som zink og selen.

Bøffelører giver lang tyggetid, der holder hunden beskæftiget samtidig med, at de er med til at rense tænderne og massere tandkøddet.

Gluten- og kornfrie. Ikke tilsat farvestoffer og konserveringsmidler.

Availability: Out of stock
Model: WSHOP-393
0 reviews

ALPHA SPIRIT STICKS for dogs are made with natural ingredients. A reward that results in quality of life for your dog. Easy to handle and preserve. 

Availability: In stock
Model: WSHOP-394
0 reviews

ALPHA SPIRIT STICKS for dogs are made with natural ingredients. A reward that results in quality of life for your dog. Easy to handle and preserve. 

Availability: In stock