Model: WSHOP-120
0 reviews
B&B's Ørepluk pulver er et 100% naturligt mineralprodukt, som gør det nemt for dig nænsomt at at fjerne generende hår fra hundens øregang. Dette fine mineralpulver har en beroligende effekt på huden, samtidigt med, at det hjælper med at fjerne overflødigt fedt og snavs fra øregangen. 
Availability: Out of stock
Model: WSHOP-193
0 reviews

Aptus Bucadog tandpasta forebygger tandsten og dårlig ånde hos hunde

Denne Bucadog tandpasta fra Aptus er særlig velegnet til hunde med tandsten og dårlig ånde. Tandpastaen indeholder enzymer, der reducerer dannelse af plak og tandsten. Anvend tandpastaen for at skabe den bedste tandflora hos din hund.


Availability: Low stock
Model: WSHOP-434
0 reviews

KL Paw Care - Paw Salve 50 ml.

Protects the paws extra well, both in cold, heat, water and hard terrain. Paw Care is made of pharmaceutical pure oils and beeswax, an extra effective combination which ensures that the paw retains moisture and elasticity, while also protecting against bacteria and cold/heat from the outside.

Dosage: Apply KL Paw Care to clean, dry paws, preferably just before your walk.


Availability: Low stock
Model: WSHOP-435
0 reviews

KovaLine Wipes 100 pcs. Ready to use. KovaLine Wipes contain KovaLine Care Mix ready to use. Cleanses, peels and cares in the same process. Simple to use and makes it easier to wash the infected areas.

Can be used for: Wounds, eczema, itching, dry or damaged skin, general washing on all small animals, horses and production animals

Availability: Low stock